Why Coach Coaching Stars?
I believe we are all Stars.Society, culture, parents, schools, our environment, peers, etc. have all in one way or another given us the idea that we aren't stars.
First step is to love ourselves
So, even though we love ourselves, to a greater or lesser degree, we all think, at times, sometimes more often than not, that there is something wrong with us.My greatest desire is to find the glimmer and make it shine. I believe that the more we do what we love, the more we find pleasure in the everyday little things we do, the more we will be in touch with our true inner joy and well-being and be able to share that with others, and the more we will be able to share our gift with the planet and its inhabitants.
There is nothing wrong with us
As long as we think there is something 'wrong' with us, we find what is 'wrong' with the world, with our partners, and everyone else around us.The only time we think people are absolutely wonderful is when we are 'in love'. What if we could be 'in love' with ourselves, our environment, our partners, our life???? Imagine that.
Unfortunately most of us grew up in environments where we were scolded for what we did wrong, and not so often told what we did right, because that is what is expected. We had to behave, be good,....and you can fill in the blanks.....
And now we do this for ourselves. I have to do this and that, I should do this and that, I ought to do this and that, I must be this and that, and so on, and on, and on. And we think we are terrible when we do not adhere to these rules and regulations set up by ourselves, and by our 'in-graining' (programming by parents, teachers, etc) and 'en-training' (expectations by others, community, social mores, and others).
Rules and Regulations
The best way I know how to get beyond this is to look at which of these rules work for us and which don't. The biggest problem is that most of these rules are beyond our conscious awareness. We do not even know we have them, so we can't change them. It is like being an alcoholic. You can't fix alcoholism, unless you admit that you are an alcoholic.So how do we find out what these rules are? We have to become like hunters and stalk them. We will find them in the things that other people do that irritate us, make us angry, hurt us, etc. You may say, but I don't do this and that..., and that may be true, but how do you do it? So how does one engage with it?
Let's take an example. If you are insulted by the way people throw rubbish around, then how do you throw rubbish around? Do you accumulate things and have it lying around, or stacked away nicely in boxes for some future use when it may come in handy? Do you allow your dogs to shit on someone else's lawn? Do you send your bottles, paper, plastics in for recycling or not? Do you provide shoddy workmanship?
...and so on...
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